Friday, January 9, 2009

50 and Still Sexy as Hell

On Monday, January 12, 2009, Motown Records celebrates its 50th anniversary. Rather than go into detail about the label's ineffable contribution to pop music, I'm just gonna link their wiki page. Do yourself a favor and at least read the "production process" section.

Instead, I'm gonna share some of my favorite Motown songs, "favorite" also meaning ones that are readily accessible on the laptop (right click the album covers for the links):

P.S. - On a completely unrelated note, today, on a whim, I decided to go through a Smash Mouth live set that had previously only been labeled by track numbers. I was able to rename 11 of the 22 tracks, although two of the tracks were "intro" and "drum solo." Even so, given the nine songs I recognized, I'm both proud and ashamed at the same time. It's an odd feeling.

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