Runner-up: Graduation - Kanye West
I really liked this. But couldn't put it in my list because I only listened to it maybe twice. I don't know any of the track titles. I can't even tell you what that song with the Daft Punk beat is called.

#5 OK - Zhang Zheng Yue
This Taiwanese singer/songwriter has eschewed the badboy rock and put out a new album featuring a mix of R&B-infused tracks hearkening back to his days of writing exclusively love ballads.

#4 Ronald Jenkees - Ronald Jenkees
The young gentleman in coke bottle glasses displayed his skill with a keyboard on Youtube. Now you can check out his FL chops on his first album, available on his website and in iTunes.

#3 Ultimate Victory - Chamillionaire
I haven't been listening to much hip-hop in general lately, and it's a testament to this fact that Chamillionaire was the only one all year to sustain my attention long enough for me to listen to an album all the way through. I'm glad, too, because this album was hot.

#2 Seimeiryoku - Chatmonchy
When I had $70 left in my checking account, I spent $38 to special order this album at Kinokuniya. I'm an idiot, but Chatmonchy is J-Pop perfection.

#1 Yours to Keep - Albert Hammond Jr.
You might think that this one isn't from 2007 as it's absent from pretty much every internet-music-blog-year-end-best-of-list... but it is! Lucky for me, because this is one of my favorite albums in recent memory.
And so there you have it. Kind of a small round-up though, innit? So I've prepared a second list. I put the year each album was released in parenthesis, so you know how hard you need to mock me for each individual item... Yup, "Top 10 Albums I Listened to for the First Time in 2007":

#10 Jarvis - Jarvis Cocker (2006)

#9 Classics - Ratatat (2006)

#8 Inhuman Rampage - DragonForce (2006)

#7 American Idiot - Green Day (2004)

#6 Sam's Town - The Killers (2006)

#5 Elements Pt. 1 - Stratovarius (2003)

#4 Fantasia - Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (2004)

#3 Atmosphere - You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having (2005)

#2 Black Holes & Revelations - Muse (2006)

#1 Miminari - Chatmonchy (2006)