Wanna see how well you can do on a quiz that basically tests how well you randomly guess at shit?
Then, take the Rolling Stone "Almost Impossible Rock & Roll Quiz."
I got a 26, and I'm both proud and ashamed that one of my correct answers was correctly distinguishing between Tupac albums and Steven Seagal action movies.
Post your scores in the comments section.
14 hours ago
Got 27 out of 58. It told me I was a "Whiz". But more accurately, I could have been watching the Wiz and blindly clicking on answers and done better. I only confidently knew the answer to one question (the one about the Strokes). Other than that, there were only three that I thought maybe I knew the answer. Shit, that was painful.
I got a 29 but Wikipedia answered 2 of them for me. =/
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