Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cat Paints War

Someone else on the internet brought this up, but I thought it was interesting enough to repeat.

Warpaint sounds a lot like Cat Power.

I'll be honest. I had Cat Power on my external drive, but didn't give her any real attention until her song popped up on Juno's soundtrack. Then, of course, I became the biggest Cat Power fan alive. To clarify, in my definition, "biggest ___ fan" simply means I listen to the album for about a month straight.

And because of the musical hibernation I was forced into by the iron claws of graduate school, I always jump at even the most abstract references to remnants of my past musical enthusiasm. In short, I saw "Warpaint sounds a lot like Cat Power" and thought, "Hey, I know Cat Power. I now have a basis to also build an opinion."

This aforementioned internetee built a clever playlist that is as follows:
1. Warpaint - Billie Holiday
2. Cat Power - Don't Explain
3. Warpaint - Stars
4. Cat Power - Still in Love
5. Warpaint - Krimson
... and so on.

Not surprisingly, I couldn't tell you which was which without actually reading my iMeem page. So I fail to reject the hypothesis that Warpaint does in fact sound like Cat Power.

Boring blog excused, Warpaint is some good, mellow shit.

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